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There are no viruses on the PC can be detected with the virus portable applications in the flash disk (UFD). Useful to secure the UFD from the virus and eradicate the virus.

Computers can be infected with the virus via a USB flash disk (UFD). But, from where the virus originated in the UFD. From the computer that is infected, of course. For example computers in the cafes. So, also prevent entry of virus into the UFD. To do is to scan the computer to which you want to dicoloki UFD.

We can run a portable anti-anti-virus stored in the UFD, need not be installed on the computer to be able to run. With antivirus, the computer will be scanned. Hmm ... indeed, does not need a little time, if apalgi computer files that have very many. But, as is the fact that in the IT world upside-proportionate comfort with security.

That we need is a portable anti-virus, such as AntivirX, ClamWin can be downloaded from the We also need to create a file that way automatically when the UFD dicolok. The file will run antivirus on the UFD. This is similar to the way files are often automatically be on the installation CD program.

Open Notepad and type the command-line below.

1. [autorun]
2. Open = antivirus.exe
3. Action = Open Portable Anti Virus!
4. Icon = icon.ico
5. Label = Your_Name

If you are, save with the name autorun.inf. So that it does not TXT file, change the Save as Type to be [All Files].

Here is a brief explanation of the commands in the file autorun.inf earlier.

The command "Open" is a command to open the antivirus. Open followed by the command file is running antivirus. So, replace "antivirus.exe" in order that the file name that is used antivirus. For example, the file name antivirusnya "antivirx.exe" the command to "Open = clamwin.exe". Then, if the file is in another folder, for example AntivirX 1.0 folder, the command is changed to "Open AntivirX = 1.0-clamwin.exe".

The command "Action" is useful to show the expressions on the dialog box when antivirus will run. The following command can be replaced with the words of others.

The command "Icon" work to change the standard UFD icons that appear in Windows Explorer. Enggak have specific functions that are associated with antivirus, the icon is only beautify the course. Of course there must be a file icon is also in the UFD. Name of the file in the example "icon.ico" be replaced in accordance with the icon of the file name is used.

Finally, the "Label" function ntuk give the name of the UFD. Just as the "Icon", this command also enggak related to the prevention of entry of the virus.

Autorun.inf file attributes that made it to "Read-Only" can be read-only, can not be changed. If it can not be changed, meaning that the virus will not be able to modify the file. To do so, right-click the file, then click [Properties]. In the Attributes section, check the [Read-Only].

The following is the use of UFD to detect the virus in the computer.

1. UFD enter but do not open the flash disk on the computer. UFD has not been opened, the virus in the computer will not go into flash disk, or vice versa.
2. Run the road automatically by clicking the button [OK] on the dialog box that appears. Portable anti-virus that will run on the UFD.
3. Virus scan on the computer, especially in the C:-Windows-System32.
4. If you have reported the existence of anti-virus, do not hesitate, it is true bervirus computer.
5. Then please clean the machine. If not, I just pull it dicolok the UFD.


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